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Sacramento State College Corps

Fellow Application

奖学金申请于2024-2025学年开放! 项目期限为2024年8月31日至2025年5月16日.

About Sac State College Corps (SSCC)

萨克拉门托州立大学军团项目是大学生帮助社区努力的地方, learn new skills, network, 并了解在他们未来的职业领域工作是什么感觉. 这个项目是加州志愿者鼓励学生:

  • Help with important projects in education, food distribution, health, community and environmental partnerships.
  • 在学校取得成功,为未来的职业生涯做好准备.
  • 与当地机构和非营利组织合作,缓解当地问题.

Fellows will do different kinds of service:

  • K-12教育:与学龄儿童一起帮助他们学习各种主题.
  • 粮食不安全:帮助向社区成员分发粮食.
  • 气候行动:参与有助于保护当地生态系统的项目.
  • Civic Engagement/Health & 健康:帮助社区项目和健康教育.


Group of students with Governor Newsom

For Students

Who Can Join?


  • Students who need some financial help for college. 是否有资格获得佩尔助学金/梦想法案/中产阶级奖学金/Cal助学金B.
  • Students who are full-time at Sacramento State. (12 units)
  • 学生承诺在学年完成所有450小时的课程.

Financial Benefits

  • Living Allowance
    • $7,000
    • 在服务期内由合作校区平均分配给学生
  • Education Award
    • $3,000
    • 450学时后分发给学生,用于教育费用
  • Dream Act Service Incentive Grant (DSIG)
    • 加州学生援助委员会为符合AB 540条件的梦想家提供的项目,他们是加州助学金B的接受者

Fellow Application


Academic Year 2024-25 Application

FAFSA Application

CA Dream Act Application

Cohort 3 Fellow Recruitment Timeline

  • 如果你在8月9日之前还没有完成背景调查和指纹采集, 2024, your conditional offer will be rescinded.
  • 由于事先通知的方向,出席是强制性的,没有例外.

Last Updated: 4/26/24

Date Action
March 1, 2024 Cohort 3 Applications are open
April 15, 2024 Priority Application Deadline for returners & 已完成FAFSA或CA梦想法案申请的候选人
April 16 - 26, 2024 Application Review
May 1 - 6, 2024 Round 1 Fellow Offers
TBD Round 1 Fellow In-person Conditional Onboarding
June 15, 2024 Final Application Date
June 17 - 28, 2024 Application Review
July 1 - 8, 2024 Round 2 Final Fellow Offers
TBD Round 2 Fellow In-person Conditional Onboarding
July 1 - August 9, 2024 Background checks and Fingerprinting*

August 31, 2024 Mandatory In-Person Orientation** - Harper Alumni Center, 8:00 am - 3:00 pm

For Community Partner Organizations


Funded by California Volunteers在加州州长办公室,加州大学军团计划有三个目标:

  • 让大学生参与有意义的服务,培养领导力和公民责任感;
  • promote academic success and economic well-being with students from diverse backgrounds; and
  • 支持社区组织在以下三个重点领域的工作:K-12教育, climate action, and food insecurity.

Eligibility and Criteria


  • 指导两名或两名以上的研究员,提供12-15小时的培训 service 每周至少在一个优先领域(K-12教育、粮食安全和气候行动)开展活动。.
  • Participate in required training. 每次培训将大约五个小时,将安排在2024年8月. All supervisors are required to attend.
  • 提供有关社区产出和成果的数据. (Required by California Volunteers)
  • Comply with AmeriCorps grant requirements.

在为期10个月的项目中,学院军团学员需要完成总共450小时的服务. 因为研究员参加了一门课程(被认为是间接的或培训时间), 我们估计研究员将需要与他们的社区伙伴一起完成360个小时. 这意味着你每周要花12-15个小时在公司里. 为组织提供的服务可以是直接服务和间接服务的混合,应该以直接服务为主.

直接服务是指直接使个人受益的活动, groups, or communities and can include tutoring, mentoring, outreach, training, food service, gardening, river or trail restoration, and more. 奖学金获得者至少80%的时间必须用于直接服务. Indirect service hours, which account for 60 hours, can be utilized for education, training, research, 或者其他支持组织重点领域的活动.

Important Dates

  • Applications open: April 2024
  • Priority application deadline: May 3, 2024
  • Final application deadline: May 17, 2024
  • Host site orientations: August 2024
  • List of Fellows for each host site: August 2024
  • Host site communication with fellows: August 2024
  • Host sites provide dates for fellow orientations: August 2024
  • Fellows start service: September 2, 2024

Information Sessions

我们的信息会议是为有兴趣申请成为萨克州立大学军团社区合作伙伴的组织. Our live information sessions were held via Zoom.

如果您无法参加我们的主机站点信息会议之一, 强烈建议您查看下面录制的会话.

View a Host Site Information Session Now

Application and Acceptance Process

  1. To apply, 你需要提供资料说明研究员将从他们的经验中获得什么,并描述他们将进行的直接和间接活动.
  2. The applications will be reviewed by a committee, 临时录取通知书将在申请截止日期后三周寄出.
  3. 在临时验收后,你会被要求提供以下资料:
    • Position descriptions
    • 贵组织要求的附加要求(例如.g., background checks, testing requirements, etc.)
    • Signed MOU
    • Site locations and supervisors
  4. 一旦你提交了所有必要的项目,你的最终录取将被确认.

我们的目标是在8月之前向各自的社区伙伴提供一份研究员名单. 研究员将于2024年9月2日开始服务.

Community Host Partners Apply Now

For Faculty and Staff


  • Promoting the program to students
  • Referring to prospective community host sites
  • 申请将您的校园中心作为托管站点(可用的研究员职位数量有限)
  • 合作提供大学军团培训、课程和/或服务日活动



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